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Hvilke kosttilskud skal du vælge?

Which nutritional supplements should you choose?

There are a lot of supplements out there that are hard to navigate. What is necessary and what is a waste of money? I have worked in the fitness industry for over a decade and have worked for you. ...

Hvilket træningssplit skal du vælge?

Which training split should you choose?

"It depends", it's a phrase you will often hear in connection with training, diet and fitness in general. If you are a beginner, I would choose a full body. If you are further into your training c...

Disse simple, men effektive redskaber kan forbedre dine træningsresultater markant

These simple but effective tools can significantly improve your training results

When you set out on your fitness journey for the first time, it can be a good idea to use training equipment such as straps. These simple but effective tools can significantly improve your training...

Ugen før vi åbner!

The week before we open!

We have now entered the last week before our first store opens! We have spent most of 2023 finding premises and preparing them for a new base for production, studio, office and a joint store with n...

Bio-læder er vejen frem!

Bio-leather is the way forward!

THE DEVELOPMENT We started the production of our StrapIt with leather scraps from other furniture industries. That way, we could use leather scraps that would otherwise be destroyed, which was bot...

Vores historie!

Our history!

MakeIt started all the way back in 2014, when Tom (founder) sat down with a sewing machine, without knowing what it would become. After 2 years of product development, Tom started selling the first...